Azezom Investment Group Holding Company (AIGHC) is basically established to mainly do the following activities particularly

·   Ensures that all the Group companies are fully implementing the policies, guidelines, and procedures set by corporate management

·   Designs and develops corporate plan and operational plan of the corporate office

·  Appraises, amends and approves companies strategic and operational proposals, that is, it approves or rejects budgets, strategic plans, operational plans, and capital expenditure proposals and monitors the implementation of these plans and proposals.

·  Is responsible for setting, monitoring and enforcing performance targets for the individual companies.

·  Approves operational plans and reviews key strategic and operational issues of each company periodically. Manages the corporate portfolio, including divestments, new investments, expansions, joint ventures, resource allocation and networking with other external businesses

·  Creates investment capability both at the head office and in those companies supposed to have investment capabilities

·  Ensures that there are capable, energetic and commitment management bodies at every level

·  Conducts management development programmes, develops human capital policies, guidelines procedures systems, and manuals for efficient and effective implementation of corporate strategy and company business strategies

·  Ensures that core capabilities such as production, technology, organizational capabilities, marketing capabilities and linkage capabilities are developed in each company.

·  Controls the different businesses through controlling performance targets backed by incentives and penalties.

·  Identifies possible synergy areas among the different companies and coordinates to exploit the synergy. Achieves coordination in terms of sharing capabilities and resources

·  Establishes and develops a set of values and beliefs that create a unifying corporate culture.

·  Ensures that the corporate head office and the companies of the investment group are in compliance with corporate legal, regulatory requirements

·  Ensure and advise management at all levels of internal and external developments that are likely to affect the reputation of the company and its relationship with those groups with whom it communicates.

·  Ensures that companies are consistently following the overall polices and strategies as outlined in their respective articles and memorandum of associations and corporate policy manuals and procedures.

·  Coordinate, develop and implement the Group’s information policy and procedures in the companies.